iOS and iPhone 4 – User Review

This is a guest post by Yogesh Goel with the details about his encounter with one of the best mobile OS – iOS available on Apple’s iPhone 4.

apple iphone4 ios review

I usually do not write on phones and things related to it. It already has become a vast topic in itself and too much of information is available all over. I think there is one cell-phone or more being launched everyday on a daily basis irrespective of the company.

Here what I want to come up with, is the review about my recent use of iPhone 4 which simply bewildered my senses. I have always loved Apple products but never had a chance of owning or trying out an iPhone 4. But recently I had an opportunity to try it out and here’s what I personally feel about Apple’s innovation and hard-work.

The Ultimate Mobile OS

Honestly speaking I do not know how to use a touch phone and I even do not know how to open the lock of the iPhone 4. Now I know that’s a hard-to-believe thing but that’s a fact.

apple iphone 4Now coming back to the iPhone 4, its simply amazing. I wouldn’t go into much of a technical data as it is available all over the net. Here is what my experience was. iPhone 4 has a very good resolution which makes viewing of web-pages a lot easier. Possibly it is by far one of the phone with best screen resolution. The phone is super fast and won’t let you down anywhere. It has a hell lot of applications and even more are available over the net, be it for anything under the sun. This phone simply understands your fingers and their actions. I mean it has a very good touch sense over the screen. Not forgetting to mention the screen is actually scratch-less. The phone is handy, looks good in hand and in-fact you actually won’t have to handle it like your girlfriend’s hand. 😉

iPhone 4 Camera Experience:

Now let’s come to the thing which carries me and which I look for in every phone. It’s the camera. Just for your kind attention “The best camera-phone in the world is the one in your hand”. I like clicking pictures wherever I go. I was like blown up after seeing the performance of the camera. No matter what the pixel or what the quality its simply changed my experience. Its very fast. Renders the clicked photographs in less than a second. Simply click the picture and it gets thrown in the corner side quickly and this takes even less than a second. I have actually never experienced such a speed with any of the mobile-cameras or even digital-cameras. I am still like awestruck with the performance. Well what else do you need when you can really click pictures of the moments flying by?

After that I tried Nokia’s N8 which again was of one of my friend’s. It again has the same functionality and is not so fast in the photography part. It sure has a great 12 mega pixel camera but then its not worth when you can see the moments flying in front of you and you cannot capture them.

So given a gift or chance I sure would love to buy the iPhone 4 but lets see when it can really be affordable in India.

Well, that’s all from my end and I hope I could help some of you to make a wise decision to choose a good phone with a ‘smart’ OS for yourself.

[Editor’s Note: If you would like to contribute any such mobile related tools/apps/software review for Mobile Gyaan, please drop us a line at deepak[at]mobilegyaan[dot]com. Need less to say, proper credits would be given for your articles].


    • Deepak Jain Post authorReply

      Sorry to disappoint you Bala. As you can see, the review is just user submitted and not been reviewed by a pro reviewer.
      The point was just to bring into light some of the good features a novice user would like in an iPhone. 🙂

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