BOLT: A Lightweight and Ultra Fast Mobile Browser!

boltThere are many mobile browsers available in town, but almost all of them I have used have some disadvantage present in it.  But, recently I came across a great mobile browser – BOLT that is fast, light weight, appealing to use, bandwidth efficient and most importantly it’s available for free.

Yes, bolt browser is great for internet browsing on mobile, having many nice features with blazing internet speed, supporting almost all mobile phones based on J2ME features. Basically this Internet browser is optimized to work even in a low-end mobile phones, giving the best browsing experience making you feel as if you are browsing right from your computer.

To list some best features of BOLT are:

  • Supports video play back even in the basic mobile model
  • More faster than other available substitutes
  • Ease of use and soothing and gentle looks
  • Screen can be divided into two parts for better browsing experience
  • Low usage of data while browsing web pages

Bolt was launched during the world mobile congress in Barcelona last year and within one year of its launch, the product has been a big hit proving how good the browser must be. Though, it is still in beta stage, the browser works extremely perfect.

We tried out this browser for over a week in 3 different mobile models out of which 2 were basic models supporting JAVA and to our surprise, even on those phones, bolt worked like a charm without any issues and the best part is about how videos from YouTube were streamed on even the basic mobile models.

So, if you too want to experience amazing fast internet on your phones, then just download BOLT browser from here and give it a try. And yes, do not forget to share your feedbacks about the product with us.

Update (July 30 2009):

Bolt is now getting popular among world wide mobile users and recently its been reported to have rendered 100 million page views to all the bolt users across the world. So, if you are yet to try out BOLT browser, then you still have opportunity left to try out this browser, go get it!

Links: Bolt Browser | Download | FAQs


  1. Pavan Kumar Reply

    Hey Deepak, it has been long I have visited your blog. Good to see you back here.

    I checked the BOLT website, looks like a good and promising browser, will give it a try for sure. BTW, it has only jad files to download, I would like to get the jar file as it is free and easy to download things on regular broadband, any links with you? If available, please share, I will be back soon on your blog. Thanks for sharing the new browser.

    • Deepak Jain Post authorReply

      Yes, BOLT is undoubtedly an awesome browser.
      Well, about the .jar file, even I don’t see it listed among the various downloads available on their official site.
      Will soon try to let you know, where to get the .jar file from (if available).

      BTW nice to see you visit my blog Pavan! 🙂

  2. Ricky Reply

    I have been using this browser past 3 months.According to my experience opera mini is still better than BOLT browser.
    it is there on

  3. Dehyah Reply

    I downloaded the Bolt browser to my Nokia N78.It works good overall,but I have few issues with it sometimes the texts doesn’t ‘fit to width’ and when I click the back button it loads the page instead of panning.Also a Kb counter is needed

  4. gasanpride Reply

    I am using bolt for 2 months now alternating with mini opera. to run it faster I set the graphics to low but still find the opera mini faster than bolt. Btw is thestreet version still .94?

  5. Vipin Reply

    In my opinion bolt has a promising future but still not par with opera mini.opera mini is light years ahead of bolt.still best of luck for bolt team and congrats for a wonderful job

  6. Deepak Jain Post authorReply

    Try the recent updated version of Bolt, and I guess you will like it

    As per some points listed above, BOLT is better than opera mini!

    Yes, Opera mini is good, but BOLT is continuously working to take it at par with opera mini and it is also optimized for the basic mobile handsets.

    @bc pee wee baseball :
    Thanks! Welcome to mobilegyaan 🙂

  7. Pingback: Bolt Browser comes out of Beta, gets Better!

  8. mktanny Reply

    hey i even i staarted using bolt after ur this post and it is really goood for my 95.

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