Thrutu for Android: Easily Share Info and Media During a Call

Ever tried to find a phone number from your phone’s address book to read out to your friend on a call? Now share it easily with ‘Thrutu’ that also offers lots more features other than sharing contacts.

thrutu for android

Features of Thrutu for Android

  • Share a contact with others on a call to save it on their phonebook.
  • Share your location to find it on Google maps.
  • Take a picture or share a picture from the gallery.
  • Prod is a fun feature that lets you poke them during the call that make phone to vibrate.

There are lots of features coming in future like gaming, watching videos, share events from calendar, make online reservations and more during a phone call. iPhone app will launch within Q2 of this year and Blackberry app this year-end.

Video demo of Thrutu:

Platform: Android 2.1 and above

Cost: Free

Download link: Thrutu for Android

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