HTC One X Vs Samsung Galaxy S3 – Detailed Comparison

In our last post, we posted a detailed guide on choosing a smartphone OS. Today we will come up with an exhaustive comparison of the two top-notch Android phones – HTC One X and the Samsung’s latest flagship phone – Galaxy S3 that will be launching officially in India on May 31st.

As you can see on the tabular comparison below, these phones from 2 different handset manufacturers, competes with each other in almost every aspect.

(Tabular comparison chart from

Before we go ahead and discuss the phones’ pros and cons, you might also like watching this video comparing both these phones.

(Video credits:


The body and the external looks of both the phones have been crafted quite uniquely in one way or other. The HTC One X comes with a polycarbonate uni-body with screen size measuring 4.7” while S3 has been designed more like Samsung Galaxy Nexus with a slightly curved screen measuring 4.8”.  As far as other hardware specs are concerned, as seen on the tabular comparison above, more or less both the phones have got almost same specs with a minor variation in the screen size, and slightly better secondary camera and battery on the S3. But when it comes to the data storage capacity of the phone HTC One X might disappoint you as it doesn’t allow extending the phone storage.


Coming to the software part, both the phones are loaded with the latest flavor of Android – “Ice Cream Sandwich” on top of which is the Sense 4.0 on HTC One X and Touch Wiz 4.0 on Samsung Galaxy S3 for additional customization of Android by the manufacturers.

Well, when it comes to software part, what impressed us the most are the smart new features on Samsung Galaxy S3 such as smart stay, Direct call, smart alert, social tagging, etc. More details about these features are on the official page of Samsung Galaxy S3.


One the most important factor which choosing a smartphone is it’s pricing. HTC One X price in India currently goes to as low as Rs. 35,000 where as the speculated price of Samsung Galaxy S3 hovers to somewhere around 38,000 to 40,000 INR (the exact market price of S3 will be revealed during its official launch on 31st May).

Final Verdict

Considering all the factors such as hardware, software, innovative features and the pricing, we shall conclude that Samsung’s flagship phone, Galaxy S3 is without any doubt the winner given the awesome new features that it comes preloaded with. But if your budget is bit low and you are not willing to shell as much as 40K for a phone then the HTC One X will be a good bet too.

What’s your take about these two phones? Do let us know your views and opinions.


  1. bobcap Reply

    Ok will speak my mind… (HTC X ONE is the best…)

    sent from a htc one x…

    • MarcNL Reply

      @Bobcap – Ok will speak my mind … At least first try out the Galaxy 3 before deciding,,, or if you already have then at least help us out by stating why you feel the One X is the best… Seems like the battle between IOS vs Android has shifted internally to HTC vs Samsung with loads of useless user feedback clogging up review coment areas. I have seen and gave the One X a spin and it is an awesome phone. I am still waiting to give the Galaxy S3 a try out before deciding.

    • Hitman Reply


      Are you incapable of reading and understanding the raw data (specs) of both phones? It is more than clear that the Samsung Galaxy S3 is the better phone. If you know ANYTHING about technology you would know this.
      The only downside is the price of the Samsung Galaxy S3 is a few hundred dollars more than the HTC X ONE. However, the question wasn’t which phone is least expensive. It is “what device is the best?”

      Samsung Galaxy S3 is the clear choice and Flagship for May of 2012. Who knows what June 2012 will bring. 🙂

      • cdnml Reply

        For indian market s3 is better because in US market , Exynos cant support LTE (as well as tegra 3) , so for US versions , both phones will run Dual core krait processors i think , only asian markets get Quad core version 🙂 but krait also very very fast.

        and samsung rolls out updates lot faster than HTC

  2. Android User Reply

    One X is definitely by no doubt the most all rounded phone on the planet. Premium design and unibody chasis, slimness and screen estate, best and most innovative UI on the world (Sense 4.0) and the heart of the phone (Tegra 3). IMO the S3 is just an ugly powerhouse.

  3. Shreyans Reply

    HTC one x is best and how much money you were paid for writing such shit by S*ms*ng

  4. George Reply

    Samsung Galaxy S3 wins. It has microSD and a total of 128GB storage which is AMAZING. Also it has a more efficient 2100mAh Li-Ion battery.

    @ bobcap: Have fun with the HTC One X’s non-expandable memory which means no microSD slot. You’ll only get 26GB of storage which is laughable. HTC One X uses an inferior 1800mAh Li-Po which gives it an embarrassing 5hrs of video recording battery life.

    • Gob Reply

      “HTC One X uses an inferior 1800mAh Li-Po which gives it an embarrassing 5hrs of video recording battery life.”
      Get a video camera if you’re going to be shooting more than 5 hrs of video

    • Mohit Saini Reply

      Dear george of the jungle….tell me one thing…have you ever..i mean ever used complete 32 GB of memory on your device ???? be true…does that really matter ..IMHO 32 GB is more than enough.for god sake its a phone not a laptop…having additional features doesn’t mean its the many of them are useful and usable is what matters…

      HTC One X just have the right features along with BEAUTIFUL BEAUTIFUL unibody design and SENSE UI…and almost have the max power one phone could use.

      Buy yourself a laptop if you need something more than that….I have 2 phones…HTC One X (1800 mAH) & Samsung Galaxy Note ( 2500 mAH) both of then last for the same time…infact HTC OneX does better than Note….Do you know that HTC OneX does have an extra CORE for the battery ??? I bet you had no idea about it…So my friend use the package …learn to learn more about it before making such laughable comments.

      Cheers & have a great time..

    • HD Reply

      @Everyone : Why do you crib about One X having non removable battery(1800mAh) and 26GB available(out of 32 GB) space? Remember, Iphone is selling like crazy with non removable battery(1450 mAh) and just 8GB/16GB space :p The One X is far better phone in terms of design, quality of materials used, sense UI anytime better than kiddish Touchwiz UI. S3 wins only in some extra feature(S voice, etc). And are you going to pay extra 7K for these features which will be soon be available in android market for One x as well. My take is simple – If price of S3 is more than 2K above one X, I’ll go for one X all the way 🙂

  5. one X Reply

    see guys no offence but all the samsung handset looks the same only the size differs… i just want to say that samsung is gud..even i prefer samsung but when u r paying 40,000 approx. u also want something special in it.. is provides with gud config but the design is ugly… s2 is much better than s3 in looks.. and when u r using samsung phone… the interface is same for all the phones which really sucks big time.. and lot of ppl r there how does not care about the memory or the battery… they just want the best in the market… according to me htc one x deserves to be on top…

  6. s Reply

    Not sure why Deepak has not compared in tabular above, gmail, youtube, maps, picasa etc etc for htc one x. Even though both have the same os. It seems to me samsung is spending a lot of money on advertising. Some navive might get swayed but I went and compared the two phones physically overseas. To me Samsung dint look as good as the one x in hand. Htc was very stylish. Storage doesn’t bother me as both have drop box 25gb and also google drive. So I finally purchased htc one x from london. An excellent phone very very happy with my decision. Not paying Samsung for their extra advertising.

  7. HD Reply

    @Everyone : Why do you crib about One X having non removable battery(1800mAh) and 26GB available(out of 32 GB) space? Remember, Iphone is selling like crazy with non removable battery(1450 mAh) and just 8GB/16GB space :p The One X is far better phone in terms of design, quality of materials used, sense UI anytime better than kiddish Touchwiz UI. S3 wins only in some extra feature(S voice, etc). And are you going to pay extra 7K for these features which will be soon be available in android market for One x as well. My take is simple – If price of S3 is more than 2K above one X, I’ll go for one X all the way 🙂

  8. dmat Reply

    something that isnt brought up is the phone will have 2 different version
    the main version in the US will only be dual core and support the LTE networks.
    the international version will have the quad core but will not support LTE.

    cant figure out why they would do this but i dont mind. pandora streams just fine on 3G.
    LTE would only bite me in the end with all these data caps that keep coming up.

  9. androidman Reply

    Whoever is saying the S3 is WAYY better is obviously an idiot. First off, the screen quality of the HTC One X is much better than the S3…this coming from somone who has seen BOTH in person and now owns the One X. The pentile AMOLED does not cut it as an “HD” screen for 2012. Second, the design of the phone itself is much sleeker and appealing on the HTC One X. The S3 looks like a kid’s toy in comparison. The HTC One X camera is also definitely better than the S3’s camera as well. So the S3 has a lower quality (very noticeable) screen, a worse camera, and a far worse design….yet it’s much better than the One X? hmmm. I will give it to them though…The S3 wins by a good amount on processor speed and battery life. To each their own. I’ll take my amazing S-LCD 2 screen and my wonderful camera phone over the S3 any day 🙂

  10. Deepak Jain Post authorReply

    @All above:

    Thanks for all your valuable comments. As you can see on the comments above, some like HTC One X while the other votes goes for S3. So, the matter is purely subjective and, as mentioned earlier, the post contains our views only about both the phones.

  11. Pingback: Samsung Phones Specs Gsmarena – Info Tekno

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