PreTones by Idea Cellular, is it another Value Added Service to Fetch Money from Customers?

Just a while ago, Idea cellular announced the launch of a new Value Added Service for its customer in Andhra Pradesh telecom circle called ‘PreTones‘ using which Idea customers can listen to a host of content (ranging from live cricket action, jokes to tickle the funny bone, breaking news as it happens, astrology forecast, latest movie review and spicy Bollywood gossip) before they make any voice calls. The service is launched in partnership with Oorja Mobile Services.

Idea Cellular

In a nutshell, PreTones is a service that will help Idea Cellular customers to listen to their subscribed service before the calls gets connected.

Activation & Charges:

To activate PreTones, Idea customer need to call 55955 from their Idea mobile phone and follow the Interactive Voice Response (IVR). The service is available at a nominal price of Rs 1 per day.

What do you think about PreTones? Are you going to give it a try or do you think its just another service without any ‘Value’ to fetch your money?


  1. Santosh Reply

    This is the rubbish service provided by idea cellular. Which activated autometically & earning the money. Even i tried to deactivate the same but customer care number not working from last one month & they a charging to talk with customer care…Now idea cheated with every customer in andhara pradesh…

  2. Vaignan Reply

    I am Using Idea from last 3 years but from last three months even customer is not not replying properly and using harsh language towards the customers.

    If I am asking about any automatic deduction of money they will tell that its like that only. we cannot help
    then why idea is keeping this customer cares?\\

    With My experience i learnt that customer care is only for activation of faltu things to the idea users

    • Deepak Jain Post authorReply

      Sorry to hear that. If you are not satisfied with the services you are getting, you can always complaint about it to your respective nodal officier. They will surely help you out.

  3. Anonymous Reply

    This is a bull **** service…i activated sms offer frm mobile(*154*7#) but when i send sms for some messages the balanced is deducted and i lost more than 10-15 Rs bcoz there no confirmation msg after deduction it is difficult to check balance after every sms…the bastards are charging and providing easy activation programs and a long process once if we deactive them.It is charging more than 1 Rs per min to talk to customer care…worst people !! Idea sucks…

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