Is Palm Pre on its way to India?

palm pre in India Just like Apple’s iPhone and Google’s Android phones, Palm pre (wiki entry) is one of the most buzzing thing in the mobile industry supporting one of the innovative platform – webos. Recently there were rumors that Palm pre’s GSM version would be soon rolled for Indian mobile users but there are no official information about it yet.

But recently while browsing Palm’s official website I stumbled over a dedicated page for India, not with much information though. So, now it seems Palm is really serious about launching their products in the Indian market. Its just a matter of time that would say when exactly it is going to be available in the Indian markets officially!!

Thanks Suraj for the tip! 🙂

Link: Palm’s dedicated page for India


  1. Harshad Reply

    If it really comes to India, it would definitely give great competition to Nokia and other well settled mobile brands.

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