Meet ‘Itsdagram’: The only fully featured Instagram client on Windows Phone 8

Windows Phone 8 users have long been sobbing about the absence of an Instagram App. Well, somethings better than nothing. Meet ‘Itsdagram’, the unofficial Instagram client for Windows Phone 8. This app allows users to do everything a real Instagram app would.

Itsdagram is currently only for Windows Phone 8 users. It’s available in the market right now with a free trial and the full purchase is for $1.49. Windows Phone Central reports that a free, ad supported version should be coming in the next week.

The App comes with following features:

  • Double tap to like
  • Tap and hold to swap between Timeline view and Grid view.
  • See photos you’ve liked and have been tagged in on your profile page
  • Change your profile picture and password there too!
  • Pin your favorite hashtags and users to your homescreen to keep track of them.
  • Free Trial will allow users that already have an account to upload 1 image to test.  All other features are completely enabled.  Commenting, Liking, Following, etc…
  • Registering a new account with Instagram requires the full version of Itsdagram.

Instagram has showed no signs of introducing an official app on Windows Phone. Till they decide to make one, Itsdagram is a well-made viable option.


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