LinkedIn launches app on Snaptu

LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network on the Internet with more than 90 million members worldwide launches their app on Snaptu, supported on more than 2,500 devices.

LinkedIn on Snaptu

Features of LinkedIn on Snaptu

  • View status updates of your friends on the home page.
  • Update your status easily from the box on the top.
  • View your connections, search for new people or accept pending invitations.
  • View your or other’s profile.
  • Refresh to update the home screen or log out.

During the launch , Adam Nash, VP of Product Management at LinkedIn said:

With the rapid growth of mobile professionals around the world, we’re thrilled to partner with Snaptu to expand our global reach and be accessible wherever our members work. By harnessing Linkedin’s rich developer platform, Snaptu’s LinkedIn application now offers millions of people direct access to professional insights and information on their feature phones, whether they are in the office or on the go.

Hari V Krishnan, Country Manager, LinkedIn India said:

With over 600 million mobile users in India, a vast number of professionals would like to be able to use LinkedIn on their handsets. While smart phone penetration is increasing, globally more than 80 percent of total shipments have been driven by feature phones, and it is those professional users that the LinkedIn app on Snaptu is targeted. This launch further strengthens LinkedIn’s mobile offering for our members in India.

Snaptu CEO Ran Makavy said:

LinkedIn has become as much a part of the working life as the mobile phone, so it’s very exciting for us to bring the two together. LinkedIn recognizes the value in reaching beyond the smart phone market to bring quality services to every device, leveraging the Snaptu mobile apps platform.

This is a simple app with basic functionalities. Snaptu is available on Java, S60 and Blackberry phones.

To get Snaptu for your phone go to from your phone’s browser or get it from OVI store for Nokia phones or Blackberry App World for Blackberry. To add LinkedIn app on Snaptu go to Snappstore from the Menu and add LinkedIn which is available under Social Networks.

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