Chat with People around you with Nokia Instant Community

Nokia announced Nokia Instant Community last week that offers Nokia handset owners  to communicate with people around them. This is developed by the students in Nokia Research Center in Tampere , Finland and helps you to communicate with nearby people even without using bluetooth or any cellular network. All it needs is Wi-fi enabled phones.

Here is a quick video demoing Nokia Instant Community:

What do you need to use Nokia Instant Community?

You don’t need internet connection on your phone or Bluetooth. You need Wi-Fi enabled handset to connect to other devices.

What are the handsets supported?

Right now it is tested on Nokia N900 which runs on MeeGo and also some on the Symbian devices.

What are the features of Nokia Instant Community?

  • Create your own profile and chat with the other people around your who uses Nokia Instant Community on their device.
  • Browse the users by name, community and by profiles such as Party, Public etc.
  • Share contents like Blogs, songs, poem, images and videos to a profile or to a person and also share the contents posted by others and comment on them.
  • If you come across the same person several times then an alert flashes on the screen.
  • Share files with a person or download the files from other’s mobile phone easily.

Will it work only on Nokia Phones?

This was developed to work on all the phones but the decision to use it on other devices like Android is up to Nokia.

Does it affect the phone’s battery life?

Even though it uses Wi-Fi this is designed such that it does not affect phone’s battery life.

When will this be available?

This is still in research stage and the official date is yet to been announced.


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