Samsung S8500 WAVE- Bada’s First Phone- Photos and Specs Leaked

Recently Samsung unveiled its own open source mobile operating system – Samsung ‘Bada’ and here is the leaked photos and specifications of the first phone based on Samsung Bada OS – Samsung S8500 Wave.


Samsung Wave Specs:

  • 3.3″ AMOLED screen
  • 2GB Internal memory
  • 5MP autofocus camera with Flash – Not great considering almost all phones now have a 5MP cam
  • 3.5MM Jack – Should be good as a music device
  • 10.9 MM thin – Yes, 10.9 can’t be read as thick, isn’t it? 😉
  • Alumnium body
  • 1Ghz processor
  • 1500 mAh processor

Samsung Wave Photos:

(Image credits – DailyMobile blog)

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