‘The Google Phone is Coming this January’ says Tech Crunch

Tech Crunch – have just reported that “ZOMG The Google Phone Is “Like An iPhone On Beautifying Steroids” that confirms the existence of a real Google phone and excites me a lot being a big Google fan. There were rumors since few months’ about a Google phone (of course based on Android OS) but the recent post about it confirms that the Google phone is coming very shortly.


Tech Crunch actually came across few tweets by Google employees and their friends who have tweeted about Google’s phone mentioning that it runs on Android 2.1 that may be released this January. Also, this Google phone is said to be good with hardware and may be competing with Apple’s iPhone. Check out Tech Crunch’s post – ZOMG The Google Phone Is “Like An iPhone On Beautifying Steroids for more!

(Image credits: PC world)


  1. Gagan Reply

    Who knows what google might build tomorrow,

    May be a self navigating car known as GO-CAR,

    Or may be a mobile network operator named G-Mobile running entirely on ads providing free calls to everyone,

    Or may be a space shuttle to create map of the entire universe naming it Google-Universe

    Or may be small robot for search operations for objects at our home,

    Or may be Google-Homes thriving entirely on the solar energy and provided free coz of ads on the sidewalls…..

    Whatever it may be, no-one knows for sure whats next, when google is concerned…..

  2. Pingback: Nexus One – The Google Phone’s Complete Specifications, Images & Demo Video

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