Make Unlimited Free Calls in India and Worldwide Daily [Android & iOS]

Presenting this brilliant App – ‘Crowd Call’ for Android and iOS that lets you make free calls to India, US, Canada, UK and 40 Countries worldwide even without paying a single penny. All you have to do is download the app (link at bottom) and follow 5 simple steps mentioned below. The App then calls you (the caller) on your pre-designated number and connects to the person whom you wish to talk.

Best part being, unlike other VoIP and free calling tools available in-town, the calling party need not compulsorily have the app installed on his phone.

Steps for Making Free Calls:

  1. Download & install Crowd Call on your Android or iOS based smart phone (download links on the bottom)
  2. After installation, when asked mention your phone number
  3. Under the ‘Crowd Call’ tab, using the number pad or contacts button, put/select the contact number of person you wish to call (including ISD code – +91 in case of India) and hit the call (green) button
  4. Within seconds you’ll receive an International call on the number that you provided during installation of the app. Answer the call, listen to voice instructions from the caller and hit ‘1’ from your phone dialer.
  5. Wait for another couple of seconds before Crowd call automatically connects you to the person you wish to talk to. Enjoy!

I’ve been personally using the app since past couple of days and it works pretty flawlessly. As far as the number of free calls that can be made, it is 10 calls a day. For me each call lasted for about 10 minutes but many other users report that they get ‘unlimited talk-time’ for every call successfully connected. The app also has several other appreciable features such as Call schedule, Conference Calling, etc.

If you are on Android or iOS do give it a try and let us know your views about the same.

Links: Official Website

Download: Android Play Store | iOS App Store

Should you face any issues, drop it as a comment below. Also, like us on Facebook or subscribe to free email newsletter for more of such tips.

Thank you Akshay Deshpande for the tip.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • How many calls can be made for free?
    The official website states that you can make 10 ‘free’ calls daily
  • What are the charges for making these calls?
    As mentioned earlier, you get to make 10 calls for FREE every 24 hours.
  • What countries can I make the calls to?
    If both the parties of the call are from any of these 40 countries, he/she can make use of these free calling facility
  • Do I need a smart phone to use this service?
    Just to initiate the call you need an Android or iOS based smart phone
  • How is the call quality like?
    As good as they are in traditional calling method – land phone / cell phone. This is probably because connections are made through local carriers and not VoIP solutions as mentioned on the official website


      • JAYA Reply

        Tried each n everything step by step, but still no avail, It displays “Setting up the call …”, then shows this message,”! Subscription Package Required: You need tp purchase a subscription package to make free calls from this number.” Please help.

  1. Raghu Reply

    Hey bro micromx android phn (ninja 3,4) r supporting such typ of soft.Or nt bro. .Plz suggest(i want to purchase them. . Otherwise i wil go 4 anther samsung but i nd ur reply bro help me

  2. Raghu Reply

    Thanqu Bro, i hv one more last que. Is that. Micromx nin3. Does supporting hotspot (tethring) or not.

    • Deepak Jain Post authorReply

      The feature is available on Android 2.2 and above independent of handset manufacturer. So yes, you’ll have the feature by default.

  3. Mohit Reply

    it says to purchase a subscription package and need to buy flex credit to make free calls..tell me what to do..

    • Deepak Jain Post authorReply

      Mohit, could you not make any free calls from this? As mentioned on the post, only a couple of calls is free in a day. But you can talk for as much time, once the call gets connected.

      • Mohit Reply

        i cant call for once..this subscription package msg appears on the 1st call i there any solution to make free calls..coz i dnt think its free until you buy flex credit 🙁

  4. pankaj Reply

    dude its nt even installing on my phone…myn is android 2.2 but it still sayinh that ur device is not supported….wat to do…??

  5. raghu Reply

    my bro m download this software in my pc ,with blue stck apk but i m not able to access this software because in crowed call my country india is not abalable..plz help how to call using this soft. which counry we go to select to acces dis soft m waitig for ur reply my bro 🙂

    • Deepak Jain Post authorReply

      Worked fine for me while writing the post. If you are unable to India even after prefixing India’s country code (+91) then probably the service might have stopped working.

  6. Vineet Reply

    Font know what you say here is true or not, I’m from India using iPhone4s on iOs6 not able to download your app because I’m not in USA and your app is in USA App Store for Hose who are on USA, so do something so people form world use you app and you get more popular in the world as a hero.

    If you can add free PBX feature with submenu IVR text reading in IVR in any language also translation call recording, user can update mp3 file, free SMS with only all possible IM integration like yahoo, Skype Vonage app for Androide and iPhone this should be hosted cloud based also phone based that is offline based. Online and offline PBX for iPhone / Apple and PC any platform so you can capture the world as your fan.

    Don’t know you can do it or not. But Good job.

    can’t us your software )-:



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