No SMS Blackout Days for Reliance Customers!

Recently Reliance introduced few exciting tariff plans and SMS schemes under the banner ‘Simply Reliance‘. With their recent SMS packs and offers, a Reliance customer can send national SMS for as low as 1 paise (details here). But, as many mobile users already know, such promotional SMS packs and schemes are usually not available on national holidays because of SMS blackout days.


But, Reliance have now went one step ahead and made these 1 paise/SMS offer available to all its customers even during this Christmas and New year. So, Reliance customers can now send unlimited SMS as per their existing tariff plans (1 paise/SMS) even on Christmas/New-years day. But if you don’t own a Reliance phone yet, you need not regret as I have already mentioned how to make free calls and send free SMS this holidays! 🙂


  1. Gagan Reply

    The reliance is just awesome….
    previously the quality of service was not good, but I guess they’ve installed new improved devices that helps them bring quality back in competition with other providers….
    Really like the sms packs, virtually its even less than 1 paise if you are using the sms packs like me(for google search, using facebook, running google channels, chatting with friends; in short staying connected for almost free)…..

    • Deepak Jain Post authorReply

      Yes, I agree, Reliance wasn’t that good earlier! May be, this time Anil ambani dreamt of Dhirbhai telling him “MNP’s coming” 😉

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