How to Make Free Calls & SMS this Holidays

Celebration seasons are already on and its obvious that everyone would love to get in touch with their loved ones. But one thing that bothers everyone is, the phone bills that one will have to incur for these celebration wishes.

christmas_new year_free calls and sms

So, I am here to remind you of some past posts wherein I mentioned how you can make free calls and send free SMS. Here are the links to such archives:

So what else are you waiting for? Just start making free calls and sending free SMS 😉


  1. Puneet Reply

    What is the use of free smses when reliance offers 15000 smses per month for just rs. 25 and that too with no black out days 🙂

    • Deepak Jain Post authorReply

      Yes, that is alright but what about people without a Reliance connection? Everybody cannot just change their primary number just because of free SMS offer with some other service provider 🙂

  2. Puneet Reply

    MNP is on it way my friend…….. am very eagerly waiting to see its impact on the telecom industry.

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