CDMA iPhone 4 to be Launched in a Month by Verizon

CDMA customers has now got a great reason to rejoice as the much awaited CDMA version of iPhone 4 is now official and it will be released with Verizon (CDMA service provider in the United States) later next month.

cdma iphone 4

The official words about CDMA iPhone 4 comes from a press release held by Verizon and they already have an official CDMA iPhone 4 pre-booking page up on their website.

CDMA iPhone 4 Launch Date & Price:

As per the details available on their website, Verzion will be launching the phone on 10th of February 2011 with a price tag of $199 for 16GB version and a 2 years contract.

Though the CDMA iPhone 4 is just for Verizon but CDMA users in other country and operators have a reason to be happy as we think there will be some ways to crack the phone and make it work with other CDMA operators.

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