Creating Custom Ringtones for Apple iPhone

Many people have a wrong notion that its not possible to get a customized ringtone in an iPhone without purchasing it from iTunes store. But creating and using a customized ringtone in your iPhone is just a few seconds’ task. Here is a simple step by step procedure to create customized ringtone for your iPhone using your PC or mac.


Softwares Needed to Create Customized iPhone Ringtone:

  • iTunes (7 or higher)
  • Necessary song to be used as ringtone in .MP3 format (.MP3 is tested, you may try with other formats too)

Procedure to Create iPhone Ringtone:

Just follow these simple steps or have a look on the video below to understand the procedure to create customized iPhone ringtones:

  1. Open the song or tune (that you want to make ringtone of) in iTunes
    iPhone customized ringtone1 
  2. Play the song and note down the ‘from’ and ‘to’ time that you want to make ringtone clip and then right click on the song, hit ‘get info’ button.  (Note: Ringtone clip for iPhone cannot be longer than 30 seconds)
    iPhone customized ringtone2
  3. As shown on screenshot below, go to ‘Options’ tab and enter the start and end time of the song you want to use as ringtone and click ok.
    iPhone customized ringtone3
  4. Now double click on the song icon and then right click on it and choose ‘Create AAC version’
    iPhone customized ringtone4
  5. Again right click on the duplicated file (AAC version) and hit ‘Show in windows Explorer’ option
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  6. Now just rename the extension of the file (AAC converted file) from ‘.m4a’ to ‘.m4r’
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  7. Double click on the .m4r format and you should now see the clip on the ringtone section of your iTunes library
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  8. That’s it, you are done. Just sync your iPhone and iTunes library ‘ringtone section’ and you should find the ringtone on your iPhone 🙂
    iPhone customized ringtone8 

If you feel the above procedure is complicated, you may have a look on the video demonstration too.

Video Demonstration of iPhone Ringtone Customization:

If you still have problem, feel free to drop a comment here.


  1. Hailey Reply

    I just loaded my iPhone 3G with the new iOS4.0. Now, after syncing custom ringtones to phone, they no longer show up in list of ringtones. They were there prior to upgrade. Is this something new with iOS4.0 that you can no longer have custom ringtones on the phone or am I doing something wrong even though I am doing it the same way I had done before?

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