Google ‘Play Games’ gets leaked, will bring Cloud Sync, Leaderboards and more to Android

The good folks at Android Police have gotten their hands-on with an APK file of Google Play Services v3.1.36. In comparison, the current Play version is v3.0.27. This leaked APK confirms that an Android games hub called ‘Play Games’ is for real. Apple’s Game Center on iOS as well as Xbox Games is set to receive some sweet competition from Android.

The file reveals there’s going to be more of social gaming experience with Google bringing tighter Google+ integration, multiplayer games, achievements, leaderboards to see high scores from other players, play games with friends, in-game chat and a matchmaking service will help you find new people to play with or against.

But the highlight of this service is going to be Cloud Sync. The experience of  saving a games progress to the cloud so that you can start playing it on your phone or pick up from where you left off on the tablet is priceless. And finally Google’s bringing this priceless experience with ‘Play Games’. It will be interesting to see what Android game developers are going to do with this cloud service.

There are still a lot of questions about the service which will be answered when Google launches the ‘Play Game’ service officially at Google I/O on May 15th.


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