SMS Chat with iSMS on your Nokia Phone

With this app you can have SMS chat with your friends using your Symbian S60 v3 and v5 mobiles. Nokia released Conversation on its Beta labs which is a similar application for SMS chat but this is the only app available for S60 v3. I came across this app iSMS which supports SMS chat features for both S60 v3 and  v5 like 5800, N97, 5230 and many other mobiles.

How to get this?

  • Download the app from here for free
  • This is an Unsigned app created by a Chinese developer Junni Kokuki so you need to get it signed.

How to get the app signed?

  • Fill the application form and get registered.
  • Login with the id and apply for the Certificate with the details like IMEI. (Takes some time to obtain certificate)
  • Select the model, upload the app here with remark and get it signed and download it to your system (can also download SIS for desktop or for mobile) .
  • Now copy the app to your phone and install it.

Features of iChat

  • Threaded SMS conversations with friends (Sent messages need to be saved).
  • Shows the time stamp for each conversation.
  • Shows the Name of the person on home screen when message is received.
  • Press and hold the message to delete, forward, dial or copy to clipboard.
  • Export message from user to phone or memory card.
  • Create a Fake SMS on in your inbox with sender number,name and message.
  • Schedule a message to be sent with date and time.
  • Send Flash SMS

Needs Improvement

  • Already signed application could save much time rather than signing it manually.
  • scrolling could be tough sometimes on touch phones.


This is a great app for S60 phones which is absolutely free. There are many features added in each and every version. v1.06 and 1.08 are also released but it is a paid version.

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