WOW, Android now have an Official WordPress App

After WordPress for iPhone and Blackberry, the official WordPress app is now released for Android users too. Being an Android user and a blogger, this was the day I was waiting quite anxiously for. Reportedly, this official WordPress app for Android is nothing but the existing third party blogging tool -wp2go and Android team have now taken over the app and made it official and open source.

wordpress for android

Immediately after receiving the news, I personally tried the app and found no bugs so far and was able to use it very smoothly. You may have a look on the video below to know more on how it can be configured and used on your Android based phone.

Features of WordPress App for Android:

  • Use multiple and self hosted ( blogs using this app
  • Edit or Compose and publish blog posts and pages
  • Moderate comments
  • Get new comment notification on the notification bar

Download WordPress App for Android:

WordPress-app-for-android-barcode You can either search for “WordPress” in the Android market or use the QR code here and scan it with “shopsavvy” bar code reader app for Android and get the direct download link for WordPress-Android App.

As, WordPress now have official app for iPhone, Blackberry and Android, am wondering which platform are they working on next? Is it Symian or Web OS? or the old Windows device? What do you feel?

Thanks Apurva for the useful tip.

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