Dear Readers We are Back

Dear Readers,

Its been almost 5 months since we published our last post here at Mobile Gyaan and our team members are well aware about your concerns regarding the inactive state of the blog. But be assured that we still have the same love for mobile phones, the blog and most importantly, you readers. It’s just that, because of some personal problems and unavoidable circumstances, we could not keep you updated with ‘Mobile Gyaan’. Moreover, our editor – Kartik got busy with some personal commitments too.

But we are now back and have lined up several posts and surprises for you readers, which will be revealed in the days to come. We shall also go through all your lovely mails and comments and get back to you if required.

Keep reading and thanks for all your support and patience.

-Deepak Jain (Executive Editor)


  1. yogesh goel Reply

    hey deepak…
    nice and good to see u back…
    have been waiting to see ur posts pour in….
    hope u get into the rhythm asap.

    all the best
    tke cre
    b well…

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