Mobile Gyaan Diwali Giveaway – Lava Iris Android Smartphone

Mobile Gyaan Lava Android Phone Giveaway

Mobile Gyaan Lava Android Phone Giveaway

Update – The giveaway has ended and winner being announced. Subscribe to our Email newsletter or Like our Facebook fan page to be notified about future giveaways.

Dear Readers, we have always claimed that we love you all and its time to show that love. Announcing Mobile Gyaan’s Diwali giveaway, a brand new Lava Iris N350 – Android smartphone in association with Lava mobiles.

Well, I know, just like me even you readers must be busy with Diwali celebrations, so lets just jump in to the point and discuss how to enter the giveaway.

How to enter Mobile Gyaan Diwali giveaway?

Its simple, if you can read about this contest, you can surely enter the contest. It will take nothing more than 10 mins, no matter who you are!

  • On the giveaway widget below this para, login by entering your Name and Email ID or via your Facebook account
  • Earn points by doing what it is asked (points you can earn is mentioned on the left of the widget). The more tasks you do, greater will be your points earned and higher will be the chances of winning the contest.
    For e.x.: If you like Mobile Gyaan facebook fan page, you earn +2 points, +5 points for subscribing to our free email newsletter, etc.
  • That’s it. You’ve already entered the giveaway and all you need to do now is, wait for the winners to be announced. Simple it is, isn’t it? πŸ˜‰

Kindly drop a comment in the comments section if you are facing any issue in entering the giveaway and we shall take care of the rest.

Last but not the least, Team Mobile Gyaan wishes you luck for the Android phone and a very Happy and safe Diwali!Β 

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Note: The contest period has been extended for 3 days. But we shall make sure the phone gets dispatched by stipulated date – 05th December! πŸ™‚

Winner of this contest is Mr. Anish Shah from Ahemedabad. Congratulations Anish, you’ll be contacted by us soon.

Terms & conditions:

  • The giveaway is for 1 Lava Iris N350 Android Smartphone sponsored by Lava Mobiles
  • Giveaway will be live for 14 days from today – 13th November through 28th of November
  • Valid only for our Indian readers (if you are not from India, don’t be disappointed, we will try coming up with something for you too)
  • Winner will be contacted via email and the winning prize will be dispatched by Lava Mobiles by the 5th of December 2012
  • Entering the giveaway via any unethical ways would tantamount no entry of that participant in the giveaway
  • You may receive promotional emails from Lava on your registered Email ID. Please do NOT enter the giveaway if you are not comfortable sharing your Email identity.


  1. Kishore Reply

    I would like to win this phone because i dont have any android plz giveaway this to me

    • Deepak Jain Post authorReply

      Dear Kishore, even we want someone like you wins the phone. But for that, you’ll have to first enter the contest by following the rules mentioned on the above ‘giveaway widet’. Hope you’ve already done that.

    • Deepak Jain Post authorReply

      Kishore, that’s strange. Works absolutely fine for me and others.

      Can you please try on better internet speed and other browser?

  2. roshan Reply

    really a good giveaway… i always come to this site its good and gives some required knowledge πŸ™‚ would like to win πŸ™‚

  3. Anish Shah Reply

    Hey I am winner. Thank You.

    Please tell me how can i contact you to get the prize ?

  4. kishore Reply

    could u run the same giveaway for this christmas. bcoz im excited to get lava iris n350

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