How to Enable Dark Mode on Google Calendar

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The dark mode is being adopted by most of the ROM developers these days. This mode gets a lot of benefits which include a boost in battery life, reduced eye strain, and improved readability in total. AMOLED displays can take a huge benefit with this mode enabled. The new Android version (Android Q) by default comes with a system-wide dark theme which forces all the third-party apps to switch to the dark mode.

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Android 9 Pie do come with a system-wide dark theme but it does not make the apps adopt the dark mode automatically. With Android Pie, you need to manually enable the mode or theme on individual apps (if they support the setting).

Google Calendar is an app widely used by many people for the day to day activities and tasks. The app with its latest update does give you an ability to switch to dark mode manually or as can be set to dark mode when the battery saver is turned on.

Turn on Dark Mode on Google Calendar

Step 1 – Open Google Calendar App and access the menu.


Step 2 – Inside the menu, scroll down and click on “Settings“.


Step 3 – Inside the Settings menu, click on “General“.


Step 4 – Now on the resultant page, find “Theme“.

Step 5 – Now either choose “Dark” or “Set by Battery Saver“.


Choosing “Dark” would keep the app in dark mode always on. Whereas if you choose “Set by Battery Saver” then this mode will only get activated and the app shall switch to dark mode when the battery saver is enabled. Once the battery saver gets disabled the app will reinstate to its default color scheme.


Google Calendar app on iOS does not support such a setting as of now. Once the app switches to dark mode the entire color scheme would change to a sort of greyish tone. But for sure you will experience a reduced eye strain when you work in pitch dark situations. Enabling dark mode system-wide and on apps will consistently help to increase battery life over time.

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