Flexible and Foldable Unique Concept Mobile Holder from iZel

DSC00335 Recently I stumbled over a very interesting mobile accessory and could not stop myself from ordering one. Believe it or not, the image here is of a unique concept cell phone holder that can hold your phone/gadget either in landscape or portrait orientation. This fabulous product, named iZel mobile holder, can be used in various ways for different gadgets like Mobiles, iPod, etc.

Features of iZel Mobile Stand/Holder:

Listed here are some of the quick features of this concept mobile holder:

  • Made up of completely flexible and foldable materials
  • Handy to carry in travel bag/pouch
  • Designed in a manner, that can hold mobile either in portrait or landscape mode
  • As it can be viewed on the image, the angle of holding the phone too can be set so that you can even watch movies by placing them on this stand 😉
  • It can hold your device even while charging

Cost of iZel Mobile Holder

iZel mobile holder is available for purchase for $24.95. Yes, you may think spending $25 for a mobile holder or accessory may not be wise which even I felt before getting the product on my hands. But now I feel the product is value for money as its made up of completely flexible and high quality materials that I can easily carry with during my travel and tours! 😉

High Quality Pics:

Here are some of the images of iZel mobile holder that you would be interested to have a look on. Click on the images to view clear and bigger size images.

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Links: iZel homepage | Purchase iZel Mobile Holder

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