Foursquare now on Nokia Series 40 Phones

Foursquare for Nokia Series 40

Nokia released foursquare app for Symbian S60 phones last year in OVI store. Now Foursquare Java app is released for series 40 phones on Nokia beta labs. This app does not need in-built GPS because it uses mobile signal to find nearby places.

Foursquare for Nokia Series 40

Features of Foursquare App for Series 40 Phones

  • Check-in, Shout, Venue less check in.
  • Search for a place, add a place that is not available.
  • Recent check-ins from friends, user info.
  • Places trending near you and your favorite places.
  • Add friends or accept friend request.

Video demo of the Foursquare app from Nokia Beta Labs:

Still lots of features like tips, to do list, badges, more language support are expected in future versions. Commenting on check-ins, sharing photos when you check in is also expected feature that is already available on Foursquare version of android and iPhone and would be added to S60 version too. This app is available for S40 5th and 6th edition phones and could be downloaded from Nokia Beta Labs.


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