Foursquare for Android gets Comments and Photo Sharing Option

Foursquare released its new app for iPhone earlier this week with comments and photo sharing features. These features are now available in Android too. These features for iPhone had good response among the users so Android update is released earlier than expected.

foursquare android

Features of new Foursquare App update

  • Comment on check-ins (Can also be done on the check-ins posted to twitter and Facebook) .
  • Attach photos while checking-in.
  • Two new home screen apps for Android one to quick check-in and other to view other’s check-in.

These comments and photo uploads can be viewed in the history page of the Foursquare website. Adding tips with photos during check-ins will be available in next update. Update for Blackberry devices and WebOS will available in early January and for other platforms early 2011.


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