Get Orkut Scraps on Mobile for Free!

SMSChannelsLabsLogo A year ago, we posted an article about getting Orkut scraps via SMS, and many Orkut users appreciated it. Basically it was a combination of services provided by Mytoday SMS feeds and Orkut feeds. Let me also tell you that this trick was first discovered by Pavan. But, unfortunately the service stopped working within a couple of months as Mytoday server was overloaded. Now we are glad to inform you that, this service could be reactivated using Google SMS channels.

Now you would surely say that Orkut already have such a feature available officially. But let me clear this point, this feature is made available by Orkut with some charges, but using this trick you can enjoy free scrap alerts on your mobile without even wasting a penny. 🙂
Unlike the previous case.. This service works with the help of Google SMS channels and Orkutfeeds

Just follow these simple steps:

Step 1:
First of all you have to get the feed url of your Orkut profile by using
For this, just open your Orkut profile and copy the home page link (In my case it is

Step 2:
Now go to and paste your Orkut profile link (already generated on step 1).Orkutfeeds

After this, just hit the subscribe button and you’ll be provided with your Orkut profile feed url (In my case, it is

Step 3:
Also add “#both” at the end of the above URL so that you can get messages of the scrap as well.
Now my feed URL becomes

Step 4:

Now go to Google SMS channels homepage and create a new channel as shown in the screen shot below. If you don’t have an account on SMS channels then create one by logging in with your Gmail password.

Create channel

Step 5:
Fill all the required details and feed URL of your Orkut page (refer step 2) on the ‘RSS/Atom feed’ form and finally hit the ‘create channel’ button.

That’s it! Now you’ll be getting scrap notifications via SMS for life 🙂


  • For this trick to work on locked scrapbooks, you must add this Orkutfeeds bot as your friend.
  • Scrap notification are delayed for 2-4 hours depending on the Google’s server traffic.
  • Unlike the trick discovered previously, only the sender name of a scrap will be notified. 🙁
    We have worked out to get full scrap messages as well, just follow the STEP 3 mentioned above 🙂

If you stuck somewhere, do let us know using comments form.


  1. Pingback: ORKUT SCRAPS VIA SMS. | MobileGyaan

  2. Anand Jain

    i do all above procedure bt still nw i cant get any msgs, plz help me out…


  3. Deepak Jain Post author

    @Anand Jain
    buddy I’ve clearly mentioned on the ‘Note’ part:
    “Scrap notification are delayed for 2-4 hours depending on the Google?s server traffic.”

  4. Anand Jain

    yup buddy bt i register b4 2 days ago, traffic hoga par itna. m confused dats why i scribbed in ur account, n ways thanx lot for rplying

  5. Deepak Jain Post author

    @Anand Jain
    Buddy for me its working fine. But don’t know what’s the problem with you..
    Keep it under testing for 2-4 more days.. If the problem persists write back here.. Even let us know even when you start receiving alerts 🙂

  6. Anand Jain

    Till m not receiviebg any msgs frm google, if you say then i provide you orkut profile password and goolge account password, plz trying to resolve my problem.
    m also joi BOT as a frnds then also this problem is keep going on.

    Help- 940-3456788

  7. Deepak Jain Post author

    @Anand Jain
    Ok.. If you don’t have any problem sharing your Google and orkut login, den provide it.. I’ll check if there’s any mistake done by you..
    Don’t put your login details on this comment form. Rather you fill it here

  8. Shaun

    Indeed this is an innovative idea…
    truly appreciable.

    i got my first sms for orkut scraps today 🙂

    I wish i could get the actual scraps instead of just the list of recent scrappers.

  9. Deepak Jain Post author

    Hi.. Good to know that you liked our work..
    Well about full scrap message.. we are working on it..And probably we’ll bring it for you ASAP 🙂

  10. Pingback: Get Orkut scrap alerts delivered as SMS for free

  11. Anand Jain

    Yup Buddy Now M Getting The Msgs, Bt There Is Only Name Delivered That Who Can Send You Scraps And Its Too Late After 8-9 hours Delivered.

    N Ways Thanx N Keep Rocking Buddy

  12. Deepak Jain Post author

    Me too tried appending the codes…
    Didn’t work for me too.. 🙁
    Ny ways.. We are working on Orkutfeeds such that the whole scrap will be publish

  13. Deepak Jain Post author

    @Anand Jain
    About time.. it’ll take 3-4 hours..
    About only name.. I’ve mentioned that on the ‘Note’ part of the post..
    We are working to code such that whole scrap contents will be sent as an sms 🙂

  14. Deepak Jain Post author

    “” this url is fine.. Go ahead and do the other things. 🙂

  15. jinesh mehta

    thanks ! it works on my n70 with airtel in gujarat, i got reminder with my friends name, but not the text, may be , because its in gujarati, thanks again

  16. Anand Jain

    Thanx Now It Is Working For Me, And Give A Post When You Success To Provide All The Scraps In My Inbox.

    Till Best Of Luck To You Buddy.


    ..aNaNd JaIn

  17. Shaun

    @Deepak Jain
    #both worked for me.
    Although you cannot preview it on the channel using the Priview button.
    its fine though.

  18. Pingback: Now get full Orkut Scraps as SMS!

  19. VISHAL

    Thanks a lot deepak…..

    This trick is working fine for me…… I am posting about it at ma blog using ur link at the post. Hope u dnt mind

  20. parminder

    cooollll guys … keep it up… nice tricks n well explained…

  21. ZIA

    can yo tel me step by step how to fill url.. really m confused

    • Deepak Jain Post author

      Check the comments buddy..
      Its working f9 for every1 except for u 🙁

      Well did you follow the procedure step by step or skip out some thing?
      Check it out again..

  22. dwarakesh

    hey man…..i’m stil getting only the names of the scrap senders as sms….even after adding #both to my feed url in the sms channel…. do u hv any solutions for that?

  23. P.K.ARUN


    friend… i tried it in orkutfeed i am not getting any link when i click subscribe plz….help me.

    -thanks in advance

    • Deepak Jain Post author

      Where are you unable to find it? In SMSchannels site?
      Did you first create feed URL as shown on the screenshots?

  24. Anand

    helllo yaar
    i don’t hav hash button om the keyboard of ma lapi
    instead of that i hav ? n i hav put it as
    will i be able to get the notification??/?
    plz reply on ma e mail

    • Deepak Jain Post author

      Now there is an option available in Google SMS channel to select whether you want full or just tittle of the feed..
      You can just select the option instead of adding “#both”.

  25. NIKHIL

    unable to get Orkut feed url[in step 2}
    plz help me……………plz

  26. Ashish

    What I want to know is if there is any way in which my privacy is compromise in this.

    Creating a feed of my scrapbook, wont others be able to access this?

    Also, I would like you to clarify a few points, that when you check the box saying keep me logged in while loggin in, everytime you visit orkut you will get the link to your home. You have to click your profile link to get the correct link of which you want a feed. eg
    When I visit orkut .com I get this link

    You have to click on the profile link then to get the correct link.

    Then u use this link and add #both at the end then create a feed of this on orkutfeeds.
    The link u should use would then look like

    Add this feed to ur favorites, then create sms channel grp with rss / atom link of orkutfeedpage generated.

    Am I doing sumthin wrong here? Or is google just messin up my mind?

  27. Pavan Kumar

    Well dude, that feature seems to be working since yesterday, but with the delay as usual… Anyways, lets see till what time it is going to work..

  28. Shaun

    Hi Deepak,

    Congratulations for your Zee News interview 🙂

    Ever since rediff released the orkut updates feeds i am on a lookout for the rss feed for Orkut Updates (not for scrapbook) but in vain.

    Were you able to find it?

  29. Shaun

    And orkutfeeds doesn’t seem to be working anymore….
    atleast for me…

  30. Anand Jain

    Buddy From Last 10-15 Days M Not Receive Any Scrap Alert, Even Not Post In Group And I Also Dont Get It.
    Kya Scraps Alert Milna Band Ho Gaye Hai.
    Plz Rply.
    ..aNaNd JaIn

    Mob- 940-345678-8

    • Deepak Jain Post author

      @Anand Jain, parth, Shaun
      Yes dear, it was due to scheduled maintenance.
      Feeds service is now up and working fine. 🙂

  31. Solid Blogger

    Great man. I have never seen simple explanations like this. Even n00bs will catch this in seconds. Great explaining (writing) skills bro!

  32. Narendra.s.v

    These days i am occupied for most of the time and hardly check my scraps. Thanks to this service. I would be able to get alerts if any one scraps. Surely a good one and what is encouraging is that it is for free.

    • Deepak Jain Post author

      Thanks !!
      If you like this post and my blog, then you can promote it among your friends and readers 🙂

    • Deepak Jain Post author

      Did you follow the above procedure properly?

      I personally get each and every scraps via SMS properly

  33. AMAN

    I want to know that is there any charge for this & subscribing other channels…pz tell……….

    • Deepak Jain Post author

      No this trick is completely free! 🙂
      About unlocking scrapbooks, I don’t think I can help you about such issues. Better digg some Orkut related sites for this

  34. Aman

    plz tell how to unlock scrapbooks

  35. Sohil

    Hey I can’t get homepage link with URL ID .

  36. anshu mishra

    then you may visit this page for complete step by step. you can find the step-by-step guide on Rtcamp’s other blog related to mobiles

  37. sharma

    orkut is planning to let user upload picture to their albums directly from their mobile phone too …

  38. santhosh


    I’m unble to get these messegees on mobile 🙁 Plz help mw


    i do all above procedure bt still nw i cant get any msgs, plz help me out…
    help meeeeeee……………………………….

    • Deepak Jain Post author

      @RAHUL DEV
      Its still working for everyone else.
      Try repeating the above procedure, if still doesn’t work do let me know

  40. Prateek

    it shows error message
    Invalid UID Supllied. Please note that UID must contain only numbers!

    • Deepak Jain Post author

      Recheck it prateek, everyone else here could get it done successfully. If you still fail, then provide me your orkut profile URL so that I can help you!

  41. Pingback: How to Get Orkut Scrap Alerts via SMS! | Information about blog blogger and wordpress

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  44. Dony Benedict

    I am recieving this message when I try to register in What is going on?

    Invalid UID Supllied. Please note that UID must contain only numbers!

  45. Raktotpal Bordoloi

    Hii, I followed as u said.. In the ORKUT PROFILE FEED URL, I’m getting “” in the address bar after clicking SUBSCRIBE. But in the page , i’m getting like, “Invalid UID Supllied. Please note that UID must contain only numbers!”.
    M I following towards right way ?? I’ve completed creating Google channel, and all U’ve said. I’m still not getting any sms alerts.

    • Deepak Jain Post author

      Seems you’ve done something wrong at orkutfeeds. Please provide your Orkut profile URL and I’ll let you know your feed URL.

  46. vankatesh

    its coming

    Invalid UID Supllied. Please note that UID must contain only numbers! in orkut feeds

    plz tell waht to do
    rply at my id

    [email protected]

  47. Pingback: 20+ Ways to Send Free SMS in India and worldwide

  48. rahul

    hey deepak… i m nt being able to receiv alerts… m givin u my profile link n u give me its feed link here…

    n it is written dat orkut bot should be frnd to receiv these alerts bt it is shwin dat 1000 members r complete and orkutbot cannot add more requests…so tell abt dat too..

    here’s my profile link

  49. nandu8

    man… when i hit da subscibe button @ orkut feeds aftr pasting ma profile url it says

    ”Invalid UID Supllied. Please note that UID must contain only numbers!”
    wat can i do?

    • Deepak Jain Post author

      Let me know your Orkut profile URL

      Thanks, there’s official way to get scraps by SMS but that is limited to some 30/40 sms per month

  50. pankaj90801

    I have used your method but do not know if it will work or not.

  51. pankaj90801

    Yes! Yes!! it worked dude and finally I am getting three sms right now.

  52. ananth

    am not getting the first step rite
    when i paste ma orkut uid on the orkutfeed says uid can only hav numbers ..cant do ny further steps
    help me out plz..

  53. ankush

    yaar plz help me the orkut feed shows me”Invalid UID Supllied. Please note that UID must contain only numbers!”
    when i subscribe my id “” in it….

    plzzzzzzz help me i’ll be thankful to u

  54. atul

    i think this is a way of wasting time………..i tried hard to subscribe this service….but failed……
    so this is a fraud service…..

  55. rajesh

    whe i click on my profile it gives one url i can copy and paste this url into it shows the invalid uid or it contains only uid no’s in case i am also paste the uid no in orkut feeds it shows invalid please help me

  56. sandesh

    when i copy my orkut url and paste in this msg displayed there

    Invalid UID Supllied. Please note that UID must contain only numbers!

    • Deepak Jain Post author

      Please let me know your Orkut profile URL so that I can generate a feed URL for you.

  57. ajumon

    i do all above procedure bt still nw i cant get any msgs, plz help me out

  58. vishal

    thanks buddy…….i had subscribed it today……

  59. RAJESH


  60. uttam

    hey please help me..
    from where to copy the url….
    from address bar..
    i tried copying that but it say..
    when i paste it in,,,
    that..Invalid UID Supllied. Please note that UID must contain only numbers!

    please help me it really urgent….

  61. pankaj

    can’t able to add orkutfeed as frnd ,shows error frnd limit crossd for yhid user

  62. Akash

    i had added “#both” as u said in step 3 bt when i go “manage channel” after updating, it does not show this at end…also m nt receiving ny alerts……pls help me


    After getting the service activated if I get too many scraps, I need to stop the service for some time !!!!
    How can I stop receiving orkut SMS if my mobile gets over loaded with orkut SMS ?????
    I want to stop this system for 3 weeks !!!!
    How should I do that ????
    Can we again switch to this system ????
    Also, tell me how much time is required to get orkut SMS as soon as somebody scraps me in orkut !!!!
    Please, give a reply !!!!



  65. venkatesh

    if i paste the orkut URL THEN IT SHOWING LIKE THIS

    Invalid UID Supllied. Please note that UID must contain only numbers!

  66. Abhijith

    I got my feed id myself… thnk u 4 such a nice procedure…!!

  67. Larissa

    when i do the first step there is an erroe on the page. it says: “Invalid UID Supllied. Please note that UID must contain only numbers!” what does that mean and how did you get by it ?

    thank you soo muchh (:

  68. uttam

    friend please help me urgently..
    when i am putting orkut url in orkut feed it says…”Invalid UID Supllied. Please note that UID must contain only numbers!”
    please help me urgently….bro

  69. karthik

    i cant get that feed url and step 5 page was not opening………

    wat can i do??

  70. yogesh

    same problem as above…….rply urgently…..

  71. Armaan

    [b] Hey All of U Are not getting feed URL because u are paste the new orkut link there Paste The link of ur profile of old orkut and u will get the feed link[b]

  72. abhisek

    hello i am unable to get orkut scraps on mobile may u help me please…..and if it delayes for 2-4 hour but it has delayed about 24 hours….

  73. sagar

    hi when i tried it is showing like this,

    Invalid UID Supllied. Please note that UID must contain only numbers!

    what to do ? please help me…..

  74. shiv

    thanks a lot deepak its really working too good
    thanksssssssssssssssssssssssssssss veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy much

  75. Deepak Jain Post author

    @All above:
    This trick has stopped working due to some changes and limitations in the services used to get scraps via SMS.

    Thus, we are closing the comment section of this post. You can subscribe to us via Email to get similar updates on your Email inbox.

    You can also write to us via Contact us form.

Comments are closed.