Google Nexus S may soon be Launched in India for Rs. 24000

Earlier this month Google launched its second phone in collaboration with Samsung – The Google Nexus S (check specifications) and its expected to be available in India very shortly via an online handset selling website – for Rs. 24000, a price-tag too less than expected.

google nexus s in india

Though there is already a ‘Nexus S coming soon’ page on with a price tag of Rs. 24000, the seller could not confirm any specific launch date for the handset and they just expect it to be launched anytime in the near future. In case you are just too impatient to wait for the official launch of Google-Samsung Nexus S in India, you can still purchase it via

Check out our past posts comparing Google nexus S with Samsung Galaxy S and Google Nexus One.

Update: We recently stumbled on a page at Infibeam, listing Google Nexus One as “Coming soon” with same price tag of Rs. 24,000. Considering the phone is already a year old now, it seems like Infibeam’s Nexus S coming soon page isn’t legitimate too and they might be doing it all just to gain fake publicity.


  1. Pingback: How credible are the Nexus S India Launch Price Rumors? | woikr

  2. saurabh Reply

    Can you guys provide the link of infibeam where it is listed as coming soon. Also please correct the phone is not a year old. It is one of the latest in android.

  3. Pingback: Google Nexus S may soon be Launched in India | shalupundir

  4. Pingback: HTC Desire Z Price in India | Features & Specifications

    • utkarsh singh Reply

      hi again..! i had question guys…i really wanted to buy htc desire z this season but now i am not sure due to its prominent complaints about the hinges..! my budget too is around 26k max…!! what say should i buy this phone or wha? or do u techies have a good alternative in mind considering my budget..! do comment..! i need a good advice…!!

      • Deepak Jain Post authorReply

        If you can wait for a while (say 45-60 days) you should probably be having better options of Android phones to go for.

  5. utkarsh singh Reply

    hi everybody…! i think the nexus s wont be as cheap as 24k…since samsung’s previous creation ‘samsung galaxy s’ has almost the same specifications as nexus s (on the other hand nexus s is better loaded) and is priced around 28k….there is no point nexus s comin this cheap!! it will be 28k or above for sure..!
    as far as htc desire z and hd are concerned, they are available at a local vendor near my house in bangalore…with price tag of 25200/- and 27800/- respectively!!

  6. Amu Reply

    Ya. thz phne is @ 24k nly coz it does not hav a card slot whch gvs it a large disadvantage as 16 gb is nt enuf for thz range of price. but stil i luv the phne coz the android 2.3 must b havin bettr features n reslts than 2.2 or 2.1

    • Deepak Jain Post authorReply

      Please check the update, Amu! Seems like the seller was trying to dupe its readers or may be it was an advertising stunt!

  7. Nash Reply

    At recent infibeam published that coming soon price of HTC desire z was 14k …but after the release of desire z in india , infibeam updated the price from 14k to 26k…..

    so guys infibeam usually dumping us….better to wait for release of Nexus s

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