Asha 305 & Asha 306 – Budget Phones with Significant Features from Nokia

Couple of days back Nokia announced 3 new phones in its ‘Asha’ line – The Nokia Asha 305, Asha 306 & Asha 311 out of which Asha 305 & 306 impressed us the most with its features and offerings considering the low price of these phones.

Here is a bird’s-eye view of both the phones and its features.

Nokia Asha 305 & 306 at a glance:

  • 3.0 inches resistive touch screen
  • Packed with powerful 1.0 Ghz processor – that would not let your phone hang even with heavy usage
  • 10 MB of internal memory with support for extending upto 32 GB via external memory card
  • Pre-loaded with 40 nos. of free games from EA
  • Phones to be launched during 3rd Quarter
  • Smart-phone like experience
  • Music player, FM Radio, Accelerometer
  • Dual-SIM support (Asha 305 only)
  • Wi-fi support (Asha 306)
  • Nokia Asha 305 price – Rs. 4400/-
  • Nokia Asha 306 price – Rs. 4700/- (Click on the respective links for prevailing market price)

Both the phones comes with the same specs and looks, the only difference between them being, the former has dual SIM support while the later has Wi-Fi support.

If you are concerned about the minute difference and features of both the phones, here’s the comparison sheet from

Comparison sheet credits:


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