Shopify App Review: Manage your Sales and Monitor Real-Time Store Performance

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shopify android ios app review

If you run an E-commerce venture, then you would agree to the fact that Shopify is one of the best E-commerce platform available in the market currently. To make things even better and easier for the sellers on its platform, Shopify has rolled out its mobile app for both, iOS and Android platforms.

This new app version, Shopify claims, has been built from scratch with many advanced features and supports that were not possible with the earlier versions of the app. Listed below are few of the unique functionalities that add a feature to the already popular and seller-friendly E-com solution.

Real-Time reporting:

One of the most important features that you would need to keep monitoring constantly as a seller is the sales, customer behavior, etc, and Shopify’s mobile app does that perfectly, and in the most precise manner. As it can be viewed in the screenshots below, you can check out the live reports by day, week, month, and so on.

shopify app dashboard

Add or Edit Product Listings:

The new Shopify app not just helps you with sales reports but you can also create new product listing and edit the existing ones in a jiffy. Needless to mention, features like managing product tags, defining product visibility, etc comes along in the app as well.

shopify app manage listing

Manage Orders:

shopify app manage order

Going on a vacation without access to your desktop or laptop? You don’t have to worry any longer since the app now lets you manage orders on a tap of your finger. You can now contact the customers directly from the app and create timelines for the orders.

Apart from the above mentioned primary features of the app, it also comes loaded with few other minute but important features like coordinating with staff members, chatting, tagging them and assigning specific tasks to each of them.

We also reached out to out to our friends at MoArmouz who sell Mobile Accessories via Shopify Platform and they seem to be very happy with the features and support that the app has to offer.

If you run an E-commerce website based on Shopify then we recommend you give this app a try to ease your store management and customers communication process.

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