Easily Learn Foreign Languages with this Free App – Duolingo

Did you ever want to learn new languages and found that it cost too much money? Or was the institute too far off?

Meet Duo the friendly Owl from Duolingo that lets you choose over 20 different languages. It takes you through the entire course of the new languages and provides the feature of login through Google+ or Facebook or even email so that the progress can be saved. It is also accessible through multiple devices so that the process of learning never stops.

Duolingo, The exciting way to learn new languages

It starts with the basics of a language first with easy words and basic conjugations so that you can achieve familiarity first. Then it progresses to translations into and from your native language so that you can easily understand the simple sentences. With the features of read back and voice tests, it also ensures that your pronunciations are correct. It also has a forum where you can post your doubts and can see them being answered real time.


With the option of adding friends, you can compare your progress in the language by the XP points earned by you thus promoting healthy competition. You can also submit the results to your teacher/parent through the “Progress Sharing” feature. It contains daily goals and measures your learning using day streaks. The App also has a reward system called Lingots using which you can purchase Bonus Levels and other fun stuff in the In-App Shop.

With an option of connecting to LinkedIn, you can post your fluency in any language learnt so as to build up your LinkedIn Profile. With periodic tests at the end of each chapter keep the learning going on by testing your knowledge of the language learnt so far. You can learn more than one language simultaneously.

Step By Step Learning

With the App being available in Google Play Store and Apple Appstore free of cost, never again complain of the lack of a teacher: Convert your phone into your teacher and impress everyone with your knowledge of new languages.

Download Lingo: Play Store | App Store

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