SPB Keyboard: A Better On-Screen Keyboard for Windows Mobile

spb keyboardOne of the things I do NOT like in Windows mobiles is its bad on-screen keyboard that is too cluttered and it becomes really uncomfortable to choose letters without a stylus. Guess what if you can get a iPhone like on-screen keyboard on your windows mobile? Yes, SPB keyboard is a replacement for your windows mobile on-screen keyboard that looks and feels similar to iPhone’s keyboard.

SPB keyboard is a finger friendly keyboard and it has great looks and functionality. Here are the full details and features of SPB keyboard:

Features of SPB Keyboard:

  • Finger friendly on-screen keyboard for windows mobiles
  • Covers the whole screen when in landscape mode
  • Support for gestures, auto word complete, click/vibrate after each key press, customizable skins, etc.
  • Option to auto-correct words
  • Price- $14.95

Though SPB keyboard is a paid app that costs $14.95 but I would say it is worth the money and if you still don’t believe me, then just try the 15 days free trial version of SPB keyboard and let us know your review about it! 🙂

Here are some screenshots of SPB and Windows’ default keyboard:

windows mobile keyboard        spb keyboardspb keyboard-landscape mode  spb keyboard-auto suggestionspb keyboard-options4  spb keyboard-options6spb keyboard-options3          spb keyboard-options5

Links: SPB Keyboard | SPB Keyboard Trial download

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