Trick to Tweet With 280 Characters Rightaway

If you like to tweet and often fall short with the 140 character limitation on twitter, we have a workaround for you which was discovered by prof9. As posted on the official blog of twitter, they are testing the new feature which will let you tweet with 280 characters. The new feature is under testing and only a few lucky users have access to the same. But you need not worry; we are sharing a small hack that will force Twitter to let you tweet with 280 characters right away.


Here we are assuming that your favorite browser is Chrome and you would like to use it for the rest of the post.

Step 1. Download & install Tampermonkey extension for Chrome. (Download Link)

Step 2. Visit this Github repository, click the “raw” button, then tell tampermonkey to “install” the script (or copy and paste the code into a new script in Tampermonkey)

Step 3. Now visit, make sure the script is running in Tampermonkey, then tweet away.

This is a small workaround that will run automatically whenever you use As of now when you toggle tabs on chrome you might not see the script working but refreshing the page would activate the same again.

Happy Tweeting !!

Source: The Verge

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