Wikileaks iOS App Removed from Apple App Store

Not too long back, Wikileaks’ supporters rolled a Wikileaks application for iOS users letting them access the site information with just a few clicks instead of opening the browser and loading the web-page.

WikiLeaks app removed from app store

But, Apple has just removed the application from its appstore citing it as a violation of its developers guidelines though the reason for it seems to be something else.

After lots of request for an explanation about the reasons of the removal, Apple finally commented:

We removed WikiLeaks because it violated developer guidelines. An app must comply with all local laws. It may not put an individual or target group in harms way.


    • Deepak Jain Post authorReply

      True, but then Apple has its own competiton with other app markets like the Android market. May be this could be reason of increasing the app count and approving without proper verification..

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