Windows 7 Mobile OS

Microsoft has launched Windows 7 mobile operating system at the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona, Spain. Till now, Google and Apple have been bringing out operating systems for cell phones with Android etc. Finally Microsoft has brought out a new product for battle in the arena of Smart Phones.Microsoft CEO, Steve Ballmer unveiled the Windows Phone 7 at the conference. Microsoft has focused on certain aspects when it designed the Windows Phone. These aspects are People, Office, Pictures, Music and Videos, and Games. The home screen consists of customizable options in which the user can quickly and easily access the applications and functions, that he/she uses the most.

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Other features being offered are also a mobile version of Xbox Live and OneNote which is a application for taking notes and is very useful for all purposes. Another great news is Zune, the portable media player from Microsoft will be providing the music and video facilities for the Windows 7 phone. This media player, Zune HD, is also going through a makeover to get integrated and to take advantage of the multi-touch screen.

So finally Microsoft has taken note of what the users require and is no more being a silent spectator. Do let us know what you think about the Windows Phone 7 and its user friendly operating system.

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