Bolt Browser comes out of Beta, gets Better!

With its 2 million successful beta testers, Bolt browser now gets even better with its latest update – Bolt 1.5 wherein the beta tag has been removed too.

bolt browser

This update comes with many new and exciting features like dedicated search bar, download manager, etc and the company now claims it to be the fastest mobile browser.

In our testing, BOLT is the fastest mobile browser.  It defaults to “normal” web  pages when some of its competitors will open a mobile page first.  It is usually faster than 25% or faster than browsers such as Opera Mini.

New Features in Bolt Browser 1.5:

  • A dedicated search bar for better search experience
  • Download manager that can help you download files while browsing websites and also choose location to save downloaded files
  • RSS Feeds manager
  • Support for streaming videos of any length

If you are already using bolt then you should get an update notification automatically next time when you start your browser, else you can download the latest version from here.

Links: Bolt Browser | Download | FAQs


  1. Himanshu Reply

    Is bolt browser suppport Nokia phone also, what are its main features, how can it be better than Fennec browser. The features described by you makes it unique and good for those who like to read articles from feed and watch online video.

    • Deepak Jain Post authorReply

      @ Himanshu
      Yes, it works on almost all phones and Nokia is included in the list too. 🙂
      To experience the power of bolt, just give it a try of your own 😉

      It would be worth a try.

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