Contest: Comment & Win Creative Earphones every month

Update: The contest is paused for a while and we are planning to get something more exiting for our readers in the coming months. So stay tuned!

creative  earphones giveawayIts been more than one and half year since the inception of Mobile Gyaan and I appreciate the support and love of all readers towards helping grow Mobile Gyaan bigger and bigger with each passing day. To reciprocate MG readers’ love towards this blog, I am introducing this contest wherein one commentator wins a Creative EP630 in-ear ear phones (specs) every month for commenting and helping co-commentators of Mobile Gyaan.

How to take part in the contest?

To take part in the contest, you need NOT necessarily be the top commentator, even a single useful comment on Mobile Gyaan can help you win the contest.

  • Help other commentators of mobile gyaan
  • Try to tip us with latest information, news, hacks and interesting stuff about mobiles
  • Weightage would be given to quality comments instead of no. of comments made
  • One best comment/tip will be selected every month for the contest
  • Winner of the contest will be announced on 10th of the succeeding month
  • Contest is open for all commentators WEF 01 January 2010
  • Contest winner need to provide an Indian address for the delivery of their prize

Help us grow..

Though these things are not compulsory to take part in the contest, but you can help grow Mobile Gyaan and expect even better contests and giveaways in the future..

Hope you would love to be a part of this contest. Happy commenting and all the best! 🙂


  1. Vaibhav | Programming Kid Reply

    This is very innovative Deepak. Something different. I liked the fact that the winner will not be based on the number of comments but the quality of comments. 🙂

    Liked the idea very much.

  2. Rahul Garg Reply

    Nice concept of a free giveaway (will attract more comments) but i think this may not be encouraging for the people coming to your blog from other countries because you are shipping only to Indian addresses.

  3. Puneet Reply

    @ Rahul
    Deepak must have planned this contest keeping in mind the country from which MobileGyaan is getting most of the visitors. In this case its India. So shipping is restricted to Indian Sub-continent only..

  4. Nikhil Pai Reply

    Hey! That’s nice!
    Always preferred Quality over Quantity. The worst option being picking the winner entry by random using a lottery. Good you didn’t choose that route!

    Good luck!

    • Deepak Jain Post authorReply

      Thanks everyone for nice words 🙂

      Thanks. Keep coming up with similar tips to increase your chances to win the contest 😉

  5. Nirav Thakker Reply

    get people to select/vote the best comment, that way it would become easier for you too. i am sure that people would be interested in an open and fair democratic selection of the winner.

  6. Prax Reply

    Maybe discussion about discussion isn’t such a good idea. Hence Deepak choosing the winner is the best option where he can select the winner in line with site’s objective.

    I often drop by for the quality content but usually left without a comment. Maybe it’ll encourage more readers like me to comment & discuss. I wish you could increase the quantity without compromising on quality. Say atleast a post a day, if feasible.
    Good work!

    • Deepak Jain Post authorReply

      @ Nirav
      Yes, in the future I may consider making few changes in the contest basing on commentators feedback! Moreover as Prax commented, it may not be a good idea to discuss about discussion.. Anyways, let me think about your suggestion! 🙂

  7. Dhiraj Bastwade Reply

    i got this earphones with my dell laptop… they are juz amazing… they juz rock U like a real DJ sound with Crystal sound effect.. juz try them once m sure that U will throw out your any other earphones after trying these EP 630 creative earphones….

  8. Bhanu Reply

    This is very innovative Deepak. Something different. I liked the fact that the winner will not be based on the number of comments but the quality of comments.

    Liked the idea very much.

  9. Mayur Reply

    Nice Giveaway Deepak.
    These are amazing set of earphones from Creative whose sound quality rocks! Hope I win and use them on my iPod Touch.

    • Deepak Jain Post authorReply

      lol, by now you seem to have lost your patience 😀
      Anyways, sorry for being late, the winner is now announced!

  10. Pingback: Best Commentator Award for January goes to..

  11. PARAG SHELAR Reply

    hey gr8 contest yaar ,

    this process of comment from different expertise (expert advice) are really helpful & would love to apply

  12. pravin tirmare Reply

    hello i want to enter in contest so,
    i give comment based on tip……..
    please include mobile phone price list in your site so readers can get easily all prices in one, help readers !

  13. Lottery, winning the lottery, lottery numbers Reply

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