How to Whatsapp Without Saving Number to Your Contacts


WhatsApp has replaced the old traditional method of messaging on Android Smartphones. We hardly remember using the phone’s default text messaging app.


Now basically when you need to initiate a Whatsapp chat you need to first add that number to your phone contact list. Post which Whatsapp would sync it with its server. Then you can search for the number and initiate a chat. But now we shall tell you a simple trick to start chatting on Whatsapp without saving a number to your contacts list.

We shall discuss the trick in two parts

  • For the PC users (Either on Windows or Mac or Linux) 
  • For Android and iOS users


  • Update WhatsApp to its latest version
  • Make sure Google Chrome or any other browser being used are updated to the latest version both on PC and Smartphones.
  • The number with whom you would like to chat should also be registered on WhatsApp else you will get an error.

For PC Users with WhatsApp Web

  • Log on to your favorite browser using
  • Scan the QR code appeared on your PC screen with your smartphone. You can do this by accessing WhatsApp Web through the menu from the WhatsApp home screen.
  • Now make a note of the contact you wish to chat with and its country code. For example, if the mobile number is 9XXXXXXXXX and its country code is +91 then you shall note the number as “919XXXXXXXXX”.
  • Open a browser tab and enter the link below along with the number as mentioned from Step 3 and press enter.

  • Once you add the mobile number to the above link it will be something like this.

  • Immediately the browser shall load WhatsApp Web and a chat window for this number shall be made available. Make sure you have already logged into WhatsApp Web earlier.

For Android & iOS Users

Even on your smartphone, there is no need for you to save the number if it’s not that important for you.

  • Make a note of the contact you wish to chat with and its country code. For example, if the mobile number is 9XXXXXXXXX and its country code is +91 then you shall note the number as “919XXXXXXXXX”.
  • As per your choice of browser on Android or iOS, simply type the following URL in your web browser followed by the phone number from Step 1.

And press enter. This would open a separate window for you, just click on “Message” when prompted. Post which you can easily start messaging.

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  1. Pingback: How to Enable Picture in Picture Mode on Android

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