Wikipedia is now Official for Mobile Users

Wikipedia-logoWikipedia, I guess is a thing that needs no introduction for a tech geek or web 2.0 lover. Its the free encyclopedia open for editing to the public and is among one of the best source of information in the World Wide Web. So let me come to the topic and let all Wikipedia lovers know that it is now officially announced for mobile users too.

Wikipedia for iPhone and Android Users

iPhone wikipediaFor those who love Wikipedia much and want to carry it on their mobiles too, then it is quite possible now. Wikipedia team have now officially come up with a mobile version which can be accessed from iPhone, Palm Pre, Kindle and android phones. Here is a screenshot of Wikipedia when accessed from iPhone

Mobile Wikipedia can be accessed from

Wikipedia for Non iPhone Users

Though Wikipedia is officially announced only for iPhone, Kindle and Android users, non-iPhone users need not get disappointed about it because we have a workaround for using Wikipedia even in the basic mobile handset having GPRS plan activated. Non iPhone users can access all the information present in Wikipedia from another website – Wapedia.

To open Wikipedia from any phone except iPhone and Android visit
from your mobile browser.

Links: Wikipedia for iPhone & Android users | Wikipedia for other mobile users | Official Announcement

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