How to Deactivate Google Assistant on Android


Google Assistant initially was seen inside Google’s messaging app called Allo. These days its everywhere from your Smartphone, tablets, and smartwatches to your smart speakers like Google Home. On your Smartphone it gets activated by default while you set up your Android for the first time.

How to Deactivate Google Assistant on Android

The smart assistant can do amazing things and is way ahead of the other digital assistants present on Apple and Windows products namely “Siri” and “Cortana” respectively. Google’s voice-powered assistant can perform a number of tasks and can be seen on almost 2 billion Smartphone’s.

Features of Google Assistant

The smart assistant can recognize your voice and help you to bypass your security pin and password to quickly unlock your device. Let’s you open apps, search images, figure out places nearby, ask for a tip, directly stream your favorite shows on Netflix and other streaming apps.

Google Assistant can also read you out the latest news while you are busy doing other stuff. A match going on, Google Assistant can also narrate you the score in real time. Google’s assistant also lets you record tasks and reminds you on a scheduled time. Now, these are some basic Google Assistant commands that we use but it’s even vast and huge in terms of functioning and implementation.

But the assistant becomes really annoying when it suddenly pops out of nowhere when you might be busy playing a game or doing something important like banking tasks etc. So if you want to disable Google Assistant completely then just follow the below steps.

Deactivate Google Assistant

Step 1 – Initiate Google Assistant by holding and long pressing the home button until you see Google Assistant pop up.

How to Deactivate Google Assistant on Android

Step 2 – Click on “Explore”.

How to Deactivate Google Assistant on Android

Step 3 – Under the explore tab, to the top right-hand side click on User Profile to access “Settings” panel.

Step 4 – Inside the settings panel, swipe to the left to access settings for Google Assistant.

How to Deactivate Google Assistant on Android

Step 5 – Now scroll to the bottom to find “Assistant Devices” and click on “Phone”.

How to Deactivate Google Assistant on Android

Step 6 – On the landing page simply toggle to disable Google Assistant.

How to Deactivate Google Assistant on Android

You have completely disabled “Google Assistant” from your Smartphone.

If you want to enable it in the future simply long press the home button and you will get a notification to enable “Google Assistant” within a click.


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