Do you really get paid for receiving SMS?

In one my previous posts, it was mentioned about how to earn money by receiving SMS and many people contacted me asking does someone really get paid by such stuff and whether these websites are hoax?

So, here’s a proof for those who believe that such websites are fake. Recently, I logged into my mGinger account out of curiosity and was surprised to see my earnings for the SMS that I never received (actually, earlier I signed up using other number) and immediately I requested the payout. And here’s the copy of the cheque from mGinger:

Cheque from mGiner:

mginger cheque

So, at least now you can have a look on my previous post – “How to Earn Money by receiving SMS” if you are interested to make some extra money for your pocket! 😉


    • Deepak Jain Post authorReply

      Its something good as I didn’t even receive a single promo for those money.
      And yes, it cannot be Rs. 10, almost all such (ads by sms) companies payout a minimum of Rs. 300. So, I’ve received that amount for sure 😉

  1. Amit Reply

    i am also member of mginger since 2007, but i could only accumulate 19 rupees only. these guys dont send sms to me. come on mginger fill my inbox with sms and my account with money…

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