SMSTweet helps you Tweet by Sending an SMS

smstweets Back in October last year, Airtel in collaboration with Twitter launched a service using which all Airtel customers could Tweet via SMS without needing to have an expensive data activated phone. SMSTweet is a similar service launched by a Bangalore based startup that helps you tweet by sending an SMS to a 10 digit mobile number.

How to use SMSTweet?

  1. Link your twitter account with SMSTweet either by visiting or sending an SMS “REGISTER <twitter username> <twitter password>” to 09220092200 (Mumbai) or 09243000111 (Bangalore)
    Users from outside Mumbai/Bangalore can use either of the above numbers
  2. Once your twitter account is linked with SMSTweets, send “TWT <your message>” to 09220092200 (Mumbai) or 09243000111 (Bangalore)
    For ex. SMS “Tweeting via SMS using SMSTweet” to 09220092200 or 09243000111
  3. Immediately after posting your message onto your timeline, SMSTweet will send you an SMS with latest @mention indicating your message has been successfully posted on your timeline.

Advantages of SMSTweet

  • Tweet even with a simplest black&white mobile without worrying to have a data activated phone.
  • Unlike on Airtel, use non-premium 10 digit number to Tweet that can cost you as low as 1 paise per SMS

Requested features in SMSTweet:

If any team member of SMSTweet is reading this post, it would be great to see the following features on SMSTweet:

  • Ability to check friends’ timeline (or at least last few tweets by them)
  • Ability to check recent @mentions and send & receive direct messages
  • Check user details by entering their twitter handle, etc.


  1. Mayank Reply

    Thank you for featuring SMSTweet on your blog and sharing it with your followers. Yes the requested features are on our plate and will implement them as soon as we find time. Meanwhile why don’t you log them in the feedback section of the site. That way we can see how many people really want the feature and you will be informed when the feature is implemented.

  2. Gagan Reply

    So now, we can even tweet with reliance sms packs…..
    I guess I need to write an article on how people can utilize the 500 sms per day pack…
    You can utilize Services like
    ~Google SMS Channels
    ~Google Search
    ~Wave Secure(it uses SMS for confirmations)
    ~Flash SMS(Like the ones that N/W operators send)
    ~Last but not the least, Chatting with frens via sms

    and a lot more than that(which I am not aware of yet)…..

    • Deepak Jain Post authorReply

      Glad to know you liked the post. Well, about those feature requests, I have already mentioned what are the features I expect from your service.. So, you can log a feature request on your site on behalf of me 😉

      Yes, that seems a gr8 idea. Let me post few tips on how to best use your free SMS plans 🙂

      That’s a nice compilation. Should be helpful! Thanks.

  3. srivatsan Reply

    I hope they include chennai in their list soon so i don’t have to pay airtel 1rupee or spend 60 paise for using twitter by wap

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